RDP to Windows Login Screen

I was recently resurrecting an old demo environment in AWS which consisted of a few EC2 virtual machines, however upon trying to login, I quickly realised that the account password had expired and by default Windows Remote Desktop doesn’t have an ability to change passwords since you’re not presented with the logon screen.  We didn’t have console access nor was there any other remote access like ConnectWise Control and  since the only credential we had expired, we had to think outside the box.

Luckily RDP can fall back to authentication via the logon screen and ask for login details after you connect. To achieve this, we firstly need to disable Network Level User Authentication or NLA on the remote machine, by tweaking the following registry key (this can also be done remotely).

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp' -Name "UserAuthentication" -Value 0

Once you’ve applied that setting one way or another (using something like Amazon SSM or Azure Virtual Machine Run Command) we then need to create an RDP file, open up Remote Desktop connection, enter the IP and hit Save As to create a file.  Open it up in Notepad or your favorite text editor and add the following line to the end of the file


This disables the Credential Security Service Provider or CredSSP support and forces your connection to authenticate via the logon screen.

This setting is also handy for RDP farms or hosts that require interactive logins.  Just remember that NLA needs to be turned off for this to work.

See Supported RDP properties with Remote Desktop Services on Microsoft Learn (RIP MSDN) for more info and supported parameters.

Remote Desktop is Blocked in Windows Firewall even though Group Policy Setting is set to allow

So I’m going through and trying to automate a lot of things in our environment (one thing you should always try and do as a SysAdmin is to automate repetitive tasks) and to help me achieve this I’m using Group Policy, step one is enable Remote Desktop to all of our Servers automatically. Created the Group Policy Object, allowed Remote Desktop Connections and also setup a list of IP Addresses to allow connections from.

After a while I added another IP Address to the exemptions and the next morning I found that I was no longer able to RDP directly to some of my servers, wondering what had happened I logged into our Hyper-V host (where RDP was still working) and I logged onto one of the affected servers. I firstly went and checked to ensure that RDP was still enabled, yup sure is, I then went and checked the Firewall and I spotted a Block and Deny All rule that I was sure I didn’t create. So I went back over the GPO that I had applied, went into the IP exceptions and turns out there was a SPACE separating one of the IP Addresses after the comma. Removed that space, performed a GPUpdate on the affected machines and Remote Desktop started working again.


Adventures with setting up RDS RemoteApp and Web Access in Windows Server 2012 R2

RDS Overview in Server ManagerSo I was recently setting up a demo environment in Azure with two servers.  Our goal was to have Remote Web Access and then publish RemoteApps through that so we could give live demos.  The process to setup Remote Desktop Services is much easier in Server 2012 / 2012 R2 thanks to the Add Remove Features Wizard, but there are still some gotcha’s that I encountered and will cover in this blog post.

The first thing was getting the FQDN of the RD Gateway / Web Access server set to our external domain (since it is different). For example we’ll use adatum.internal and adatum.com.au.  For web access it is simply a matter of having a public DNS record and pointing to your web server but getting it working for the RD Gateway requires some PowerShell.  A script from the TechNet Gallery called Change published FQDN for Server 2012 or 2012 R2 RDS Deployment works a treat for Server 2012 and 2012 R2.  Simply go to the directory you have the script in with a PowerShell admin prompt and enter the following;

Set-RDPublishedName "remote.adatum.com.au"

This should now allow clients to see a connecting to a proper server FQDN instead of something like rds-01.demo.adatum.local.

My next issue was when my demo client when to connect it errored out with 0x607 – An authentication error has occurred.  After having a talk with someone in the office I had found out the Session Host server was hosting some demo web apps that ran using HTTPS.  Now I had imported a proper certificate (that hadn’t expired) but still found this issue.  So I opened up mmc.exe added the Certificates snap-in, browsed the computer certificate store and under personal I could see an EXPIRED certificate.  I deleted this but was still getting the error.  So my other trick was to force Terminal Services to no longer try to use that certificate.  To do this I opened up REGEDIT and went to the following key;

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp

In this key I would scroll down until I found SSLCertificateSHA1Hash and deleted the entry (you could also replace the hash with our good certificate).  Once I had done this, I restarted the server for good measure and was then able to connect up to my Remote Apps using Web Access without an issue.


How to reset the Remote Desktop Server Licensing Grace Period on Windows Server 2012 with Remote Desktop Services

So we recently started looking into Terminal Services and RemoteFX to power some of our admin users and move them off to thin clients instead of full blown desktops.  As a trial I begun setting up RDS on one of our Dev machines.  After going through the motions of enabling the Remote Desktop Features and setting up RemoteFX on a Virtual Machine for testing, I found that I couldn’t login via RDP to that machine.  Going back to the RDS host I found the Licensing popup that informed me that the 128 day trial license had expired.  Since this was a test I didn’t want to go using keys to activate or setup a licensing server (purely a PoC for us in IT at this stage).

To reset the grace period there is a registry key that we need to delete. As always when editing the registry, take a backup of the key/s you’re modifying. Navigate to the following location

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod

Now there should be a binary key value (like in the screenshot), you first need to have full access permissions to the folder (or take ownership) and then simply delete that value and reboot the server.  Once back up your RDS Licensing should be back at the start of a 128 Day grace period.  I wouldn’t do this if you have already obtained licensing and should definitely not be used in a production environment.