Running MySQL on a Windows machine is pretty straight forward. One of the down sides though is that MySQL is not VSS aware and may mis-behave when back up software such as Data Protection Manager or ShadowProtect. Data Protection Manager (DPM) has the ability (basically called Pre-Backup and Post-Backup Scripts) to perform actions before and after a backup run.
After installing the DPM Protection Agent onto the computer you want to run the protect (by default its %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM) You’ll find a Scripting Folder and inside a ScriptingConfig.xml file which should only contain XML Schema data, we will want to expand on this by adding the following lines inside ScriptConfiguration
<DatasourceScriptConfig DataSourceName="Data source">
”Path\Script Parameters”
"Path\Script Parameters”
DataSourceName needs to be the name of the Data Source that you are protecting (matching in DPM Console) for example C:\MySQL_Backup and in our case we only want to use a PreBackupScript (ie C:\MySQL_Backup\BackupDB.cmd) which will dump a backup from our MySQL Databse into a single SQL file before the actual DPM Backup event. As an example, the following will execute a backup for MySQL. You will need to change -User -Password and the MaharaProd to something that suits your environment.
@echo off
set CurrentDate=%date:~-10,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~-4,4%
move /y C:\MySQL_Backup\Mahara-*.sql C:\MySQL_Backup\PreviousBackup.sql
mysqldump –user backupuser –password=changethis MaharaProd > C:\MySQL_Backup\Mahara-%CurrentDate%.sql
The above will output a Mahara-DD_MM_YYYY.sql file as well as make a Previous Backup before allowing DPM to go ahead and create the restore point.
Check out this TechNet article for more details on how to get this running.
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